Friday, February 27, 2009

Our Children

Family vacation '07 to Branson. fun fun
Joshua turns 9. We went to Blue Bayou in Baton Rouge. He is on far right, skinny little 9 year old. These are his buds!

Marlie 1 day old!

Hannah 1 day old

My 3 God-sent children, aren't they precious! I am so happy for these children and thank God for them everyday!


theglenns556 said...

Look at you posting pics like a pro!! Way to go!!

Amanda said...

I'm impressed that you've got music on your blog. Way to go, Diane!

Danielle said...

yeah! so glad you are posting and figuring it out! i've learned the easiest way. upload the pictures first and then write. make sure you choose the button that says center for the pictures and it seems to work best. hope to see more pictures of the hargon's and their "happenings" soon! love, danielle